
is an IPM Certification Program that certifies individuals
as proficient in low impact integrated pest management (IPM)
techniques that emphasize pest prevention and minimize pesticide
applications. Certification leads to recognition as an EcoWise
Certified IPM Practitioner. Pest Management Companies and/or
Branches can also be EcoWise Certified. Certification means
that companies must follow the EcoWise Standards. Certified
companies and/or branches are allowed to use the EcoWise logos
and advertise that they are certified. The company name is
added to a referral list on the EcoWise website.
The EcoWise Certified Online Orientation is divided into three
parts. Anyone who pays the fees can take Parts A and B. Currently,
only California Pest Control Professionals can receive CEU
credits or EcoWise IPM Certification, but the program will
be expanded later to the rest of the U.S. Part A provides
some basic IPM training for California Applicators, Operators,
and Field Representatives. IPM is concretely illustrated through
examples from the EcoWise Certified Program. After completing
the course, Applicators, Operators, and Field Representatives
take an online exam, and if they pass, they are awarded 2
IPM CEUs toward renewal of their license.
Operators and Field Representatives who pass Part A can take
Part B, which leads to certification of Branch 2 Operators
and Field Representatives as EcoWise Certified IPM Practitioners.
Part C allows companies and/or branches to obtain all the
information they need for EcoWise certification as an IPM
Service Provider.
Part A: Overview of Structural IPM and Introduction
to the EcoWise Standards for IPM Certification
• Part A can be taken by anyone interested in a basic
understanding of structural IPM, but it is specifically
geared to California Structural Pest Control Board (SPCB)
licensed Applicators, Field Representatives and Operators.
• SPCB-licensed Applicators, Field Representatives,
and Operators are able to obtain 2 hours of SPCB-approved
IPM continuing education units (CEUs) by reading and studying
the Part A material and then taking an online test.
Fee for Part A: $50 (Includes access to course
material and the online test)
When successfully completed, EcoWise will provide an official
certificate of completion for 2 CEUs.
1. If you want to take Part A, fill out the application you
obtain at the link below
Link: Application for Part
A Online Course
2. Mail your completed application and $50 fee to
P.O. Box 7414
Berkeley, CA 94707
If you want to apply now to take both Parts A and B and become
an EcoWise Certified IPM Practitioner, include a fee of $100
with the application, and use the instructions in Part B below.
3. Receive a password and ID Number from BIRC by email
4. Log On, read and study the course material. You can log
on to part A here:
to Part A of the EcoWise Course
5. When you have completed 2 hours of online study, email
BIRC that you are ready to take the exam. We will email you
a link to the online exam.
6. Take the online test and receive a passing score of 70%
or better.
7. Receive a SPCB Board Approved Certificate of Completion
for 2 CEUs of IPM if you are a California Licensed Applicator,
Branch 2 or Branch 3 Operator or Field Representative.
An Outline of Part A is below:
Part A. Structural IPM and EcoWise Certified IPM Standards
1. What is IPM and Why Practice it?
2. The IPM Decision Making Process
3. IPM Treatment Components
4. EcoWise Certified Pesticide Application Standards
5. IPM Tools
6. Comparison of IPM Methods with Conventional Pest Control
7. Pesticides and Water Quality
8. Review and Sample Exam QuestionsA more detailed Description
for Part A can be obtained at the link below:
Link to: Part A
Course Summary
Questions? Use the email link below to ask questions:
Part B: EcoWise Certified IPM Practitioner Course
Part B leads to EcoWise Practitioner Certification.
• Prerequisites
1. Must be licensed as a California Branch 2 Field Representative
or Operator for at least 1 year.
2. Must have a passing grade of 70% or better on the Part
A exam
• California licensed Applicators cannot become EcoWise
• Applicants must pass the online EcoWise Practitioner
Exam or meet other knowledge requirements outlined in Part
• Applicants must sign the EcoWise Certified IPM Guiding
Principles (see below)
• No CEUs are currently available for Part B.
Fee for Part B: $50 (Includes access to course
materials and the Practitioner Exam)
When successfully completed, EcoWise will provide an official
EcoWise IPM Certified Practitioner certificate. Your name
will also be added to the EcoWise Website as a Certified IPM
Practitioner. When your company is also certified, this can
act as a referral list.
1. Fill out the IPM Practitioner application that you obtain
Pdf Link: Application
for Certified IPM Practitioner
2. Sign and date a copy of the EcoWise Certified IPM Guiding
Principles that you obtain here:
Pdf Link: EcoWise
Guiding Principles
3. Mail your application, the signed copy of your IPM Guiding
Principles, and $100 fee for both Part A and Part B, or $50
fee for Part B if you have already paid for and completed
Part A to
P.O. Box 7414
Berkeley, CA 94707
Fees for Part B include the course, the exam, a Study Guide,
an EcoWise Certified Certificate, and listing on the EcoWise
Certified website.
4. Read and study the course material, which you can access
through this link: EcoWise Course Part B. You can study at
your own pace, there are no online time requirements.
5. When you are ready to take the exam, contact BIRC, and
we will email you a link to the online exam.
6. Take the online Practitioner Certification Exam and receive
a score of 70% or better.
7. Receive an EcoWise Certified IPM Practitioner Certificate
and listing on the EcoWise Certified website.
The EcoWise IPM Practitioner Certification must be renewed
every 3 years. Currently certified Practitioners can renew
by filling out a new application and paying a $100 fee.
An Outline of Part B follows below:
Part B. EcoWise Certified IPM
Practitioner Course
1. Advantages of EcoWise Certification
2. What You Need to Get Certified
3. Knowledge Expectations of an
EcoWise Certified Practitioner
4. Following the Standards
5. IPM Inspection and Monitoring
6. Writing an IPM Plan
7. Review and Sample Exam Questions
8. IPM Resources
You can access the course through this link:
Part B. EcoWise Certified Course
Any Questions? Use the email link below to ask questions:
C: EcoWise IPM Service Provider Course
Everything needed, including an application, step by step
instructions leading to certification of a company or branch,
and all needed documents and references can be obtained from
the Online EcoWise IPM Service Provider Course. You can access
the course through this link:
C. EcoWise Certified Course
The bullets
below summarize important points:
• EcoWise certifies both individual practitioners
and companies.
• Companies must follow the EcoWise Guiding Principles
and Standards for the EcoWise service they offer.
• Companies must submit an IPM protocol for one pest
and list the products and materials in their IPM Toolbox
which will be used in the EcoWise service.
• The IPM protocol and Toolbox must be approved by
the Program Manager before Certification.
• Companies must participate in a field audit to verify
that their pest management practices are consistent with
the EcoWise Standards.
Fee for Part C. There is free access to instructions
and forms. Fees will be assessed on a case-by-case basis to
cover the processing of an application, an office visit, and
the field audit necessary to complete certification as an
EcoWise Certified IPM Service Provider.
outline of Part C follows below:
Part C. EcoWise IPM Service
Provider Course
1. Advantages of a Certified IPM
2. EcoWise IPM Definition and Guiding
3. How to Get Certified
4. IPM Protocols
5. Field Audit Forms IPM Toolbox
6. Service Forms
7. EcoWise Standards
8. IPM Resources
You can access the course through this link:
Part C. EcoWise Certified Course
Any Questions? Use the email link below to ask questions:
birc@igc.org |