6. Writing an IPM Protocol
When a company applies for EcoWise Certification, they must
submit an IPM Protocol for one pest. It makes sense that the
EcoWise Certified IPM Practitioner should write the IPM Protocol,
but that is not part of the knowledge expectations for an
EcoWise Certified IPM Practitioner that will appear on the
written exam.
The IPM Protocol is basically a “How-to” written
document detailing steps needed for IPM management of a pest.
IPM methods rely heavily on monitoring and recordkeeping.
For frequently encountered pests, it is useful to have a written
IPM protocol.
To make this more understandable, a blank IPM Protocol with
prompts for information, and a written IPM Protocol for the
Argentine Ant can be found at the Links below:
Pdf Link: Blank IPM Protocol
Pdf Link: IPM Protocol
for the Argentine Ant
A good protocol has information on:
A partnership with the customer. This may
include obtaining customer contact information, advising customers
of their responsibilities, distributing fact sheets, identifying
a customer decision maker at each site. For commercial accounts,
an IPM Coordinator is identified for each building.
A detailed history about the problem should
be recorded. For commercial accounts the IPM Coordinator for
each building maintains a pest management log. Pest complaints
are entered into the log, providing basic monitoring information.
The pest management company can also enter records of treatment
into the log. Information should include where and when pests
were sighted.
Pest Biology should be documented. For each
pest, there should be a short written account of the pest’s
biology. The biology of the pest may suggest a treatment and
the timing of the treatment. For instance, ants share food
by trophallaxis. This makes the whole colony susceptible to
treatment with an ant bait. Foragers pick up the toxic bait
and share it with others, targeting the whole nest for elimination.
Typical nesting sites for the particular species can be investigated.
Site Inspection. The protocol should contain
information on how to do a site inspection for a particular
pest. Information should be recorded on an inspection form.
Your company may have an inspection form or you can find one
in the EcoWise Certified Handbook at the Link below:
Pdf Link: EcoWise Certified
IPM Handbook
Inform the Customer about the Inspection.
The protocol should have a written outline over what aspects
of the inspection to emphasize.
Develop a Written IPM Plan for the Pest.
These plans can be on a recordkeeping form. For instance,
EcoWise Certified has an IPM Site Plan and Treatment Record
Form. You can obtain these forms in the EcoWise Certified
IPM Handbook.
Evaluate and Monitor Treatment Success. The
protocol should include how to deploy monitoring traps, and
how to interpret results. This information should be shared
with the customer.
Any Questions? If you have questions about this section,
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