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EcoWise Certified Online Orientation


Section 5. IPM Inspection and Monitoring

A very important part of the IPM process is inspection and monitoring. Since you are already a licensed professional, you already know how to conduct an inspection. Some of this has already been covered in Part A Section 3.

For structural pest control, IPM monitoring is part of inspection. An initial inspection provides the baseline for all subsequent actions. Monitoring involves periodic inspections over time to quantify numbers of pests. Monitoring is the only way you can be sure a pest control method is working. Pest populations should decline over time.

For roaches, inspect critical areas (those with warmth, food, moisture, darkness) with a flashlight and mirror to determine harborage, areas of highest population. Monitor with sticky pheromone traps to detect low-level infestations and provide quantitative data on population changes.

Non-toxic bait stations containing a food attractant are often used to monitor ant populations. The food is set in a container on a sheet of white cardboard with a grid. The numbers of ants appearing at a given time can then be counted and recorded.

To inspect for rats, identify exterior rodent pressure, exterior conditions that provide food, water and harborage. Identify entry points. Identify main sources of food and harborage and main areas of activity. In large and complex accounts, these areas will be important for regular monitoring.


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Part B. Ecowise Certified IPM Practitioner Course

1. Advantages of EcoWise Certification

2. What You Need to Get Certified as an IPM Practitioner

3. Knowledge Expectations for a Certified IPM Practitioner

4. Following the EcoWise Standards

5. IPM Inspection and Monitoring

6. Writing an IPM Protocol

7. Review and Sample Questions

8. IPM Resources

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