- Practical information and publications on least-toxic
methods for managing pests
- Successful model pest management polices for public agencies
and private businesses
- Membership comes with a free subscription to either of our
journals, The IPM Practitioner or Common Sense Pest Control Quarterly or
Professional Membership-The IPM Practitioner
Individual, 1 year $35
Individual, 2 years $60
Business/Institution, 1 year $60
Business/Institution, 2 years $105
Associate Membership-Common
Sense Pest Control Quarterly
Individual, 1 year $30
Individual, 2 years $55
Business/Institution, 1 year $50
Business/Institution, 2 years $90
Dual Membership-Both
BIRC Journals
Individual, 1 year $55
Individual, 2 years $100
Business/Institution, 1 year $85
Business/Institution, 2 years $155
To join BIRC, send a check for
your desired level of membership to the Bio-Integral Resource
Center, P.O. Box 7414, Berkeley, CA 94707. For your convenience,
use our membership enrollment form
(online enrollment is not yet available). You can also charge
your membership by phone by calling (510) 524-2567, or fax
your membership information to us at (510) 524-1758. Questions?
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